Category: Gear Guides
We all run out of our favorite baits from time to time. Let’s face it. Getting a bit desperate is easy. Sometimes lack of planning leaves you fresh out of your desired bait in a time where you...
How do we catch carp with corn? Good question and a topic I’d love to cover for you. The good news is, it’s easy to accomplish and shouldn’t be long before you are reeling in a nice...
Does Line Color Really Matter in Saltwater Fishing? (The Best Fishing Line Color for Saltwater)
Saltwater fishing can be quite intricate sometimes. We have to take into account many variables to help us get the best results possible. One important thing to consider is the color and type of...
Using bluegill for catfish bait can certainly increase the odds of catching the bigger catfishing strolling beneath the water surface. Is it worth using? Absolutely. It’s one of the best...
Top 7 DEADLY Crappie Lures & Best Baits for Spring Fishing (Complete Guide 2025)
Ah, the weather is warming up, and things are starting to move. Now might be the prime time to dust off that crappie fishing gear that has been sat over winter? 5065
As a fisherman’s rod gets older, the more prone it is to breaking at the slightest of things. However, even a new rod can get broken either while you’re out on the water or before/after your...